Insecurity. Such an ugly word, yet it takes up residence in some shape, size or form in each man, woman, and child. Over the last few years I have discovered more insecurities about myself than I care to admit. However, I am thankful, because if God has placed me in a position where they are manifested, then, I can ask Him to change me. I can ask Him to help me become more secure in who I am in Jesus. I can ask Him to help me not allow the opinions of other people, to shadow God's opinion of me, and, I can ask Him to help me see myself through His eyes. After all, "I Yam What I Yam" no more, no less, said so beautifully by none other than Popeye.
I think insecurity is the root of so many human behaviors. It is one weapon that the enemy keeps in the front of His tool belt, trying to make us feel as though we are not good enough. But God says that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Condemned is unfit for use, and every believer, yet unperfected, is able to be used and transformed by God.
Insecurity also causes us to give the opinions of others far to much control over us. As well as leading us to assume that others are thinking thoughts toward us that they may not even hold. The enemy is nothing more than a liar and a deceiver. He has no real power, therefore, he must manipulate his way through trying to destroy God's creation. If we stand in the truth, and keep our eyes on Jesus, there is no insecurity that we cannot overcome. God's grace, Jesus, is more than capable of teaching us how to not only know we have the victory, but to stand in it as well.
So, if you, like me, are on the road to complete and total freedom in this area, remember to keep your eyes on Jesus. Focus on His goodness, His worth, His love for you, and His ability. We all fall short, but God accepts us and loves us as we are. He choose each of us, knowing that we have insecurities to overcome, knowing that we have flaws, yet He does not see us that way. And, those things that seem to so readily steal our peace, are already overcome by the cross.
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect peace] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]" John 16:33
We do not have to live under the enemies lies. We are FREE! Just as Jesus is so are we in this world, and He is an overcomer!
Lets Talk Grace! What do you think about insecurity? What are some that you have overcome or are still overcoming? Do you believe that God through His grace, is able and wants to help you stand in victory in your area of struggle? Lets Talk Grace!
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