*This post has been edited, from the original. After a comment from Karen, and a reread, I realized I may have stated a couple of things in such a way that it could leave you misunderstanding my point*
Most everyone on this earth, has heard that God loves us. Many have even sang songs with lyrics such as...
"Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so."
I wonder though, when we are really struggling, does someone telling us that God loves us really help us to believe that He does?
Does reading Jesus loves me, even in the Bible, help us to truly walk in the love that came and died for each of us, personally?
I don't think so, not when we are struggling. It might help us feel better for the moment, or it might not.
Now, I am not saying that it is wrong to read the Bible for help or share the truth about Gods love with others; nor is it wrong to remind each other of this great unchanging love. God has given us the gift of friendship, so that we can come along side one another on this journey and impart hope and truth.
This love, however, is received and acknowledged through experience with God.
This love is received and acknowledged as we continually turn to Jesus and ask Him to help us live, walk, and breath in the revelation of His love active in our lives.
To say "Oh, I know God loves me." and leave it at that, is by far short changing ourselves.
I have realized that in many ways, I do not know God's love for me.
In some areas of my life, I still question. I still doubt.
If I truly believed, and had a redemptive revelation of His love in every imaginable area of my life, my heart and my soul, I would always be fully aware of His heart toward me. I would never worry or doubt that He is working on my behalf, through the power of His Spirit.
I am learning and growing though. I am learning that when I question or feel worry come into my heart, to turn to Jesus and ask Him to give me a revelation of His love for me in that particular area.
I am learning that as I trust in HIM to do this work in me it enables me to love Him, and trust Him more.
I have many times heard people tell others that they just need to know God loves them, trust God more, believe God.
I used to be one of the people who would try to encourage others with statement such as these. But, not anymore...When someone is struggling, statements like these can leave them feeling condemned and less then. If it were that easy, if they could make themselves believe, if they could make themselves trust...don't you think they would have already?
I could TELL you all day long, but it has to be God that does this work in our hearts. Now, I am not saying we should not encourage one another, just that I have realized some of what we think is encouraging...is not.
Instead of telling a friend, "you need to believe that God loves you", I would say "lets ask God to give you a revelation of His love for you."
Instead of saying "you just need to trust God" I would say "Lets ask God to help you develop an unshakable trust in His power and ability at work in your life."
It is simply taking the focus off of the person doing more, trying harder, to looking to God and asking Him to do this work in us, for us.
The wonderful thing is that God knows none of us completely arrived in any of these areas, and there is no condemnation in that. He doesn't expect us to meet Him on the playing field of almost perfect, or got it all together.
He simply wants us to turn to Him, He wants us to ask Him to help us know His love personally through our own experiences with Him.
He wants us to ask Him to help us believe all of His truth and His promises, through His work in our hearts.
He wants us to ask Him to help us to trust as we take His hand and allow Him to lead the way through our doubts.
We do not need to have it all together, even in theses areas. The areas where so many are caught in bondage or condemnation if they feel they are lacking.
After all, what kind of a Christian would admit,
that they do not always know God loves them in a persoanl way,
that they find themselves doubting God's truth and many times find it easier to believe in God's promises in the lives of others than their own.
that there are some days they worry and do not trust that God is going to come through for them in their situations and circumstance?
I will tell you what kind of a Christian, the kind that...
needs the love of the Father, Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Anyone who tells you they have never struggled in these areas is lying. We all are on a journey. None of us have arrived and it's okay to be honest and real about that.
Otherwise we denying the one thing that we do need to have...
the acknowledgement that we need Him and cannot travel this road without Him working in our hearts.
"[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!"
Ephesians 3:19
2 days ago
I fully agree with you that God is the One who needs to work in our hearts - that we may understand His love for us, and grow in our faith.
However, I still believe there is great value in the words of fellow believers who remind us of God's love and encourage us to believe Him. He has spoken to me so many, many times through the words of dear friends.
As for the Christian who will admit she has an easier time believing God's promises for others than for herself? I have been confessing that very thing. And praying God will increase my faith!
Yep. You got me on that one! *grin*
Karen, Of course I agree with you completely. That is why I said don't think it is wrong to tell each other these truths. We do encourage one another, but God brings that revelation to us through His Spirit, that was what I meant :)
Yes. We are tools. HE is the Builder!!!
Wow great post Daveda!
I agree with you and would just say that with many other things we experience with the Lord we go from glory to glory, from one level to the next and even love changes and grows, deepens, itcan feel cold at times especially when we are struggling but I LOVE how you shared that praying that the Lord would pour out Revelation of His love or give them a better understanding through the Holy Spirit! That is key!
I know for me when I struggle in an area with God I will most definately struggle with people in that same area bc at times all we see is our hurt and I can tend to let my flesh rule but when we ask the Lord to do the work and surrender then HE is free to move, heal and transform!!
good post my friend! have a blessed weekend
Loren - absolutely we are forever changing, and growing closer to Him. Many times we want a quick fix, but it is all about the journey and HIM doing the work in our hearts. I think this is one way I have (am still) learned to trust Him, is when I have looked to others to "fix" it and realized that they cannot. Then Jesus comes along in His way, in His timing and does what only He can do!
AMEN, Daveda!
Great post!!
Asking GOD for a revelation of love for many others right now..
Bless you for this fantastic post sweetie.
Daveda, I know it is God and only God who opened my heart and eyes to believe. But the songs, oh they remind me and I have to believe that they plant seeds of hope in the hearts of children as I sing them with them around the world.
Hugs to you dear one,
Sarah Dawn
Jesus loves me this I know!!! Jesus LOVES me this I know!!!
Jesus LOVES ME this I know!!!
JESUS LOVES ME this I know!!!
There certainly is a difference isn't there?
How do we get that deeper revelation of how much He loves us? You answered it so well here:
"This love is received and acknowledged as we continually turn to Jesus and ask Him to help us live, walk, and breathe in the revelation of His love active in our lives."
And, then, how do we know that we are lacking in that revelation of His love for us? You answered equally as well with,
"If I truly believed, and had a redemptive revelation of His love in every imaginable area of my life, my heart and my soul, I would always be fully aware of His heart toward me. I would never worry or doubt that He is working on my behalf, through the power of His Spirit."
Just Fantastic Daveda!!!
"lets ask God to give you a revelation of His love for you."
amen amen amen
Sarah Dawn - Yes, I am sure the songs you have sung with the children around the world do plant seeds of hope and truth. Singing praise is most definitely used by the Holy Spirit to reveal, remind and strengthen us.
Christy - Thank you; your comments are always very encouraging to me :)
Thank you for putting this in writing. I know he loves me because I've been told it over and over and I have been singing songs about it my whole life. But when you experience his love, that is when you really KNOW! I need to continually exercise my faith.
I love the message of love in here. I have come to learn that I will probably never be able to love God as much as He loves me. Because HE's faithful, and I'm not. Good word for the day, sis.
Your post was like water to my very thirsty, weary soul. I so needed this at THIS very moment. You were very fruitful today as were your words. Bless you!
"lets ask God to give you a revelation of His love for you." --- I love that.
It is so freeing to just take off the "perfect Christian" mask and admit to struggles, doubts, and trouble believing in God's love. I think people can relate to honesty better. You are so right - nobody has it all together. So good to know that we are "in" the One who DOES have it all together!
Have a great day!
Sometimes when we attempt to encourage others through our own words - however well-intentioned we may be - those words are misunderstood or resented. Sometimes the words sound empty to US, even as we are saying them, yet we cling to the hope they will bring some sort of comfort! I know I have tried to speak words of comfort to people, only to realize how foolish I sound...
We want to be able to "fix" the pain in the lives of our friends and family. We love them so much...we hurt when they hurt, so naturally we'll say or do whatever we can to make them feel better!
This part of your post really impacted me:
"Instead of telling a friend, "you need to believe that God loves you", I would say "lets ask God to give you a revelation of His love for you."
Instead of saying "you just need to trust God" I would say "Lets ask God to help you develop an unshakable trust in His power and ability at work in your life."
Thanks so much for a very thought-provoking post!
T.Anne - It is a wonderful honor to be used to speak words of truth. Thank you for leaving me a commenting and letting me know.
May the Lord give you a revelation of His love and speak to your weary soul as only He can!
Sparrow Girl - Oh how I agree! I am so tired of feeling like I have to pretend, and tired of watching others feel that way too. So I say lets just be real! It really is the only way that we can honestly sharpen each other. It is also what will minister to those who have not yet come to know Jesus.
Glad you stopped by!
Beth - I understand, been there done that! Will probably end up doing it again at some point :( But, the more I realize that I cannot fix anyone, the more I find myself simply turning them to the One who can and encouraging them that way. I love your comment, we ALL have felt that before.
I know we can never "outLove" God
....because God=Love
And it is only by having Him live *in* us are we able to love others.
Not sure if this makes sense to what you were focusing on,.....but it's what was placed on my heart.
Michelle - It makes perfect sense. Turning one another to Jesus, so that we can receive His love and know the truth of His grace that lives *in* us, is the only way we can give to others what we have received :)
He has blessed me deeply through your words today. You may not have it "all together" as you say, but you can teach us about Grace... your blog is well named, sister!
I agree that we become to understand God's love more experientially. I can also recall times when people told me or showed me and God's anointing (hand and presence) was so upon it that it was as if He Himself was telling me. I always pray that my words and actions would be His that others would feel His extension. And Eph 3:19 is such a powerful verse! So, here's praying that verse for you today sister. Thanks for your post, Laurie
Laurie - Absolutely! It is so wonderful to be used by the Lord to speak anointed words of truth into the lives of others, I have been on the giving and receiving end of this and both are wonderful.
What I am referring to here is the way we tend to tell people short pat answers, thinking we are helping when in reality we are not. Such as "Just trust God." If you just believed God more."
These answers or words of "encouragement" have many times left me feeling condemned or guilty because I could not MAKE myself believe or trust. When we realize that the answer is not to feel condemned but to simply turn to Him, we can live in so much freedom and peace!
And, thank you, Ephesians 3:19 is a truth I hope to receive more revelation on everyday.
The Language Of Victorious Eternity is LOVE
1 Corinthians 13
Love suffers long, and is kind;
Love does not envy;
Love does not boast,
Love is not puffed up,
Love does not behave itself unseemly,
Love keeps no record of wrongs,
Love is not easily provoked,
Love thinks no evil;
Love Rejoices not in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth;
Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails:
God is Love
God suffers long, and is kind;
God does not envy;
God does not boast,
God is not puffed up,
God does not behave unseemly,
God keeps no record of wrongs,
God is not easily provoked,
God thinks no evil;
God Rejoices not in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth;
God bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
God never fails:
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.
In the image of LOVE created he them.
Daveda suffers long, and is kind;
Daveda does not envy;
Daveda does not boast,
Daveda is not puffed up,
Daveda does not behave unseemly,
Daveda keeps no record of wrongs,
Daveda is not easily provoked,
Daveda thinks no evil;
Daveda Rejoices not in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth;
Daveda bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Daveda never fails:
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