I have found myself in a state of frustration this week. Can any of you relate to that statement? I am sure you can in some way, shape or form. What am I frustrated about you ask? I have been frustrated with me! Irritated with myself for making mistakes, saying stupid things, and frustrated that I have allowed myself to slip into this state of frustration. So, basically you could say I am frustrated with myself for being human!
I am in training, as we all are. I am learning how to just be me and not allow my mistakes or the things I see as flaws crimp who I truly am. I am learning that at all times I need to focus on who the Father has called me to be. I need to focus on my new identity in Christ. I was sharing with a good friend what I was dealing with this week and she asked a great question; "Why should you be any different than anyone else?" She's right, we all go through times like these.
So, how do we get to the place where we are less shaken through our tough times? How do we get to the place where we are satisfied with who we are, in spite of our weaknesses or flaws? I believe that one answer to this question is know who God has called you to be. See yourself as hidden in Christ.
"For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God."
Colossians 3:3
I believe that one of the number one areas the enemy tries to attack us in is our identity. In Matthew 3:17 the Father said "This is my beloved son." He made the identity of Jesus very clear to all. The enemy tried to get Jesus to doubt who the Father said He was, that He was God's Son. He tried to make Jesus forget that He was the beloved son of God. Why should we be any different?
"And the tempter came and said to Him, If You are God's Son, command these stones to be made [[a]loaves of] bread."
Matthew 4:3
As long as Jesus knew who He was He was a threat to the enemy. This is why in the above scripture we see that the very first place the enemy attacked was the identity of Jesus. Notice that in the verse above the enemy left out a key word, BELOVED.
You and I are God's beloved children, hidden in Christ. When our Father looks upon us it is with the same heart that called Jesus beloved. May we remember that more instinctively, in the times ahead!
Lets Talk Grace! What are your thoughts on identity? Do you agree with me that this is an area we are all attacked in? Do you ever struggle with remembering that you are beloved? Any other thoughts, share them with me! Lets Talk Grace!
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
I have never thought about the fact that satan attacked Jesus's identity first - great thoughts!
Miss you girl!!
Great point! I had never noticed that either.
Just talking it with you, that is one of my struggles too. I try to rememeber where I was, not way way back, but even last year and look for growth. It takes along time to see fruit in some areas, but sometimes we can see the bud!
Jenny, absolutely! I agree with you 100 percent! Never forget where you came from!!
Most of the time I am fairly confident in who I am, not because of me but because of what Jesus has done for me. But everynow and again the enemy tries to get me to focus on myself and my weakness instead of God and His goodness!
Thanks for sharing. I think a lot of us struggle in this area, but I believe if we work together and continue to remind each other of Gods truth we will walk in victory!
I agree. I am on a constant mission to be who God has called me to be and to fulfill His purpose. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit! You picked a lousy day so thanks for the pick-me-up comment, I appricated it!
I like your blog as well, and I actually spoke tonight to our youth group on this very thing! I gave the part of my testimony that involved this topic.
I have noticed that even though it is easy to KNOW what God's thoughts are, we still don't really believe them half the time (or sometimes more than half).
It is too easy for us to look into the mirror and see all the things that we think are wrong with us, instead of trusting God when He tells us that He sees us in ways that are higher and deeper than we do, and that he LOVES every part. The good, the bad, and the oh so ugly.
I think everyone has been attacked in this particular area, because it is such a sensitive one. No question!
Great food for though and would make a nice discussion forum.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and the birthday wishes. I appreciate that.
Have a blessed weekend!!
Hey Daveda - My grandma's middle name is Daveda so I have always loved that name! Don't hear it very often though. I know what you're saying about identity issues. It is only recently that I have really made some breakthroughs with this, but it's definitely been a long road.
Hi Daveda,
Regarding a discussion forum(for whatever topic), I don't have any great ideas for that sort of thing, but I think it can be achieved just by entitling one of your blog post "Discussion Forum". Of course you'll pick the topic and open it up for discussion by asking readers to leave a comment. Does that sound like something you were wanting to do?
Have a blessed week Ms. Daveda!!
Thanks Daveda - I'm definitely going to get good use out of that apron!
As for the forum, I can see that you already ask for feedback at the end of your posts. Maybe you can also suggest throughout the posts that readers offer suggestions or feedback to prompt more participation?
Talk to you soon!
It is only when we grow in Christ we see our weaknesses, and our absolute need for Him.
Love you!
When God sees us, He sees us as perfectly righteous before Him. He sees us "in Christ" When we see ourselves any other way, we are basically saying that God has to be wrong and His work on the cross came up just shy of accomplishing what it needed to in us.
The areas of our lives that are not manifesting our righteousness are not areas that are ours to gaze upon and judge (because God has already done that in Jesus.) But we are to lay them at His feet for His grace to continue to flow into. The frustration we may feel when we find ourselves continuing to deal with the same garbage in our lives over and over again is the result of believing we are not all that God has recreated us to be. And that is a lie from the devil to keep our focus off of our true identity.
Wonderful post Daveda
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