My last post was about the the towers that we tend to build in our lives that obstruct our view of relationship with Christ. It was inspired by a Veggie Tales episode I watched with my niece. If you did not read it, you may want to scroll down and do so before moving on.
I would just like to add to that post and clarify, that I believe the knocking down part is done in love, with no condemnation. I do not believe that these areas of our lives need to be removed in great pain staking agony. This would mean that I believe God's Grace (Jesus) is insufficient to take care of these "towers".
Yes, I think that sometimes the emotions we experience during these times can be difficult to sift through. However, if I am keeping my eyes on Jesus, and asking Him to remind me of His great love for me, it makes this sifting that much easier.
We are ALL growing and changing daily, none of us have arrived, and we ALL have some kind of "tower" that needs to be knocked down. Yet, it is not our job or our responsibility to "figure out" what the towers are, what they look like and how to get rid of them. As we rest in His finished work and trust Him to continue to work in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is...God's gift and promise to us, the Father will guide us and lead us closer and closer to Him.
If we were able to see for ourselves the areas where we are not walking in God's best, in our own strength and understanding, what would we need this wonderful gift for? If we were able to "fix" ourselves, what would we need this wonderful gift for?
I have come to realize that I have no power to remove towers or change myself in any way, nor do I have the ability to see and recognize these areas or towers without revelation from the Holy Spirit. For me the "Fight of Faith" has become a simple question asked everyday in every situation.
"Do I believe that what He has done for me is enough?"
"Do I believe that what Jesus has already done for me is enough to take care of all the details of my life and my person?"
YES! I do believe that He is. In that I can thank Him when He shows me these areas I can respond with "Thank You Jesus, that you love me enough to not leave me the same!" I can trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about any necessary changes and flow in and with Him as He does.
So, I do believe we all have "towers" and I do believe that when God removes the unnecessary we are left with "coleslaw" something much better than what we started with. But, I wanted to clarify How I believe we get there. Through His Grace, His power working in our lives.
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
You are so right...we can't do things under our own power. It's pointless to try. Besides, anytime I try to do things on my own I always end up in an even bigger mess! ;-)What a relief it is to know that God loves me so much, and that nothing is too difficult for Him. I just have to let go of it!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I love to meet new people in blog land! Please come back and visit, anytime.
So happy to meet you! You have such a wonderful blog and I have enjoyed reading it today. Love making new friends in Christ in blog land. Nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more~Robin
Thanks for stopping by. I tend to build things up with my own strength just to have God tear them. Humbling but always done for my good.
Great post.
Great post....I love your message~!
It is so true that when we keep our eyes focused on God, and trust in Him....we can be assured that no matter what comes in our path, He will see us through.
So happy I "found" you and will be back.
I love the correction that you had made..."I would just like to add to that post and clarify, that I believe the knocking down part is done in love, with no condemnation."
Yes, it is going to hurt but we know that when the Lord disciplines us, it is because He truly loves us.
I don't know how you like your "coleslaw", but I like my "coleslaw" in-between sour and sweet. I'd like to think of my own sour things being sweetened by Him to make everything in balance, so my life can turn out to be the "just right" kind of coleslaw that pleases Him.
I love these "coleslaw" topics we've been having...:) God bless.
Love your clarification here! Not needed for me because I already knew what you meant. :0) I loved this post anyway though.
I see you have been bloghopping today. I followed you to many of my friends that you visited and see here that some of them have returned your visit and come by to meet you. I am so glad. You have so much to share. And everyone should get to read it. Keep sharing Jesus from your heart girl and God will do the life change in the hearts that stop by.
Have a great week,
Love ya,
Beth - I know what you mean about messing things up :-} when we try to do what only God can.
I have discovered that trusting and waiting is far more profitable. In our culture it seems that we are taught that we need to be "doing" something at all times. Yet, I have trusting is the best thing I can "do".
Thanks so much for coming by and leaving your comment.
Robin- It was nice to meet you as well. I too, love making new bloggy friends in Jesus. I am trying to spend a little more time visiting friends of friends so I can meet new people.
Thanks for stopping by :-}
Joan - Thanks for coming by to "meet" me.
God never stops looking out for us! wonderful is His love!
RCUBES - After I read a couple of comments and reread my post, I realized that those who do not really know me, could misunderstand what my point was :-)
God is always at work in us, for us and through us! I love it, that He loves me :0
Christy - I did visit some of your friends today :) and I enjoyed reading their posts. I am going to try and make a point to visit the friends of friends more often. I enjoy meeting all of these wonderful blogging friends from all over the world it seems!
Thanks for such an encouraging comment! Your a great friend! Love ya!
This is a great clarification post that coincides great with your previous post. I love that sometimes we can see those towers that need to be removed and then again, there are those we don't see without the Holy Spirit's direction and God's revealing light.
I thank God everyday to constantly keep me under His light and let me know if I have any more towers to tear down and let the coleslaw making begin.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Good post.
Kat - Yes! let His light shine so brightly in our lives that everything else pales in comparison!
Warren - Thanks :)
Awesome post.
Daveda, what a thoughtful post! Thank you. And...thanks for stopping by also :-) I'm just back from a conference and hopefully will be back in full writing mode soon.
Lady, you could get habit forming.
Thanks for sharing.
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