There are many who "pray" for others. Praying of course is powerful, necessary and not to be underestimated. Prayer is how we communicate with our heavenly Father. But, I wonder how many times do we pray for God to do things that we can do ourselves, as His representatives, as His hands and feet?
Now, I realize that we cannot save every person from every problem, and we cannot solve every financial crisis that passes by our doorstep. But, I am challenged to ask myself and others if we are helping when we can--or, do we just pray, asking God to do what we have the been given the ability and power to do ourselves?
If a friend comes to us with a need that we could help meet, do we? Or, do we "Pray" for them? How many are willing to look for a way to help meet the needs of others? I was deeply touched by a friend today who put a prayer into action to help meet a need that most would "pray" for.
My home church The Grove Fellowship in Boone County IL, is hosting a camp next summer for foster children called Royal Family Kids Camp RFKC. We are in the process of raising at a minimum $10,000 for the operation of this camp. This camp is designed to give these children a jam packed week of being loved on, fussed over and treated like royalty, something many of them have never experienced before. A week that says we care, we love you, but most of all, God loves you!
My friend Heather lives in Florida, and has never attended our church, however she listens to the messages that are posted at and came across the one about RFKC. She was moved enough to pray for this event, the workers, and the kids. However, when I read her blog today (Swallowingamouse found in my list of Blogs) I found myself choked up and at a loss for words (those of you who know me know that this is no easy task, me at a loss for words)! Heather has put her prayer into action, she has put a valuable item on ebay in order to help raise money for this camp. Sometimes, we need to be the answer, or part of the answer to a prayer, not just the one praying.
I have recently been challenged in this area myself, and have found that there is great joy and excitement in being part of the answer to the problem.
Again, we cannot fix everything for everyone, but are we doing what we can? Gods favor flows into the lives of those who believe and trust Him--undeserved and unearned, do we extend that grace to others when given the opportunity?
If you would like more information or you too, would like to help RFKC, please contact The Grove Fellowship at
Lets talk Grace! Does this speak to you? What are your thoughts on Prayers in Action? Does this challenge you to step out and take more action? Lets Talk Grace!
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
Very cool! I will be participating in "Swallowingamoose's" Thanksgiving testimony blog...check it out at her site.
I love the idea of RFKC!! I worked with foster kids one summer at a camp and it was amazingly eye opening for me. This is just what they need...
Thank you Daveda for your sweet words as always. Upon my listening to your pastors message he said it like this, "Faith without action is dead!" To that I said "Amen." Then I looked around and had to say to myself, "And just what are you amening about young lady??!!"
I admit I have 'prayed' for many things without realizing that my resources may be God's answer to anothers need. It is easy to say i'll pray which is the nice way for i won't have to get too involved or it won't have to take up too much of my personal time.
Well, thanks to knowledge that the Lord has recently penetrated my being with I am conciously choosing NOT to be the by-stander anymore. I want to activly be living out what/who it is that I have my faith in. That my sweet friends is one XXXXXXX LARGE Abba Father.
It has occured to me that people think we Christians are a little wierd because we believe in a man we've never seen with our earth eyes. But I invite those to a new way of thinking/ living. You serve His children (old or young) and you'll see LOTS of Him in each of those that you reach out too.
When I was in the coma. I could tell one person from another after a while. Although i couldn't see them I knew what their touch was like or by where they touched me. Same with Jesus guys. I'm hoping these kids see lots of Him in all they experience in their bliss filled week.
I'm so excited for The Grove and this endeavor. I just am wild with anticipation at how the Lord sells this thing of mine for His kids. Because HE already knows which one's will be attending and the depth of their needs. All i'm doing is what I feel we've all been called to- A greater awareness of who we are because of what He did. Now that's life altering!!
We need an adult camp where we can go an undo our stinkin' small thinkin'!
Blessings to each of you my brothers and sister in Christ!
I always appreciate when I share a concern and with someone and they promise to pray about it. I trust they will. How much more when someone drops everything on the spot and prays. That's prayer in action to the next level!
Yes Daveda this challenges me to not just pray for the one that needs it but to pray about me being a part of God's answer to meeting their need.
We are His manifested work of Grace! His hands and feet. How else do we expect God to reveal Himself and His love and His provision to others?
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