For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ( unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. John 3:16
I have had a fear in my life that surfaces it ugly head from time to time, it is that something will happen to my youngest son, and he will be taken from me. This morning I was lying in bed, not wanting to awake yet, and that fear arose from within my heart. I asked the Lord to speak truth to this fear and help me stand on His promise of protection. A few minutes later I felt like the Lord used this to help me see a greater depth of His love for me. If I think about how much I love my children, I couldn't even imagine giving one of them up as a sacrifice for another person, yet God did this very thing for you and me. He gave His only son.
John 3:16 says that God so loved the world, we were the world when by His grace we were saved, how much more will He do for us now that we are His children? Just imagine the depth that His love must run for us. This makes me ask why I, why do we, question His love and His desire to work in our lives at every turn. If He gave the most precious and dear thing He could think of to bring us into unity with Him,then how much more is He wiling to do in our lives now. Now that our hearts are in tune with His and His very own Spirit lives inside of us, guiding us and leading us to His promises. What do we have to fear?
We have a heavenly Father who loves us more than we are even capable of imagining. We have a Father who laid down His heart to give us His Spirit and lead us to His promises. We have a Father who's love is beyond understanding. So, whatever you may be dealing with in your life today, be reminded as I have been reminded, that your Father loves you, and He wants to work in your life in ways that are beyond our wildest imaginations.
Lets Talk Grace! Do you have a word of encouragement for someone today? Do you have any fears that are robbing you of your peace? Do you believe that the Father loves you this much? Please leave a comment and check back often to get in on the conversation here!Lets Talk Grace!
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
5 comments: is funny how often our thought patterns run in the same vein. I have been struggling with fear again this last few days, seemly out of the blue. It has been different this time, much shorter in duration, because I have the experience and trust to fight it. I think sometimes we know in our heads that God cares for us and has our best interest in mind, but we don't have the experiences to back it up. It hasn't become part of who we are. My prayer for myself and for you is that God so crafts this confidence in Him into our hearts that we wouldn't even have a moment of panic! I love you, D!
Jen- I was thinking about what you wrote about our experiences and I think that sometimes we have experiences in some areas but not others. Like in my own life I trust God and have no fear in certain areas but then struggle in others. It will be so amazing when we get to the point of fully believing, fully trusting in EVERY area! Thanks for sharing in conversation here on Grace Talk! Any one else have a thought to share?
I believe that fear is the result of a low view of our salvation. If we really recognized the greatness of our salvation and all that it entails because of how much God loves us, I don't think we would give in to the temptations to doubt His provision for us. Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 for us to be strengthened in the inner man, settled in Christ, and rooted and grounded in the depth of His love is a good start for us to pray over ourselves and those we love to expand our understanding of the greatness of what Jesus has done for us and deepen our trust in the God who loves us that much.
Christy-I love those verses in Ephesians, and I think you are right. If we really understood the depths of His love for us and the fullness of our salvation we would be far less tempted to be afraid. I am so glad that God loves us so much that He continues to reveal the fullness of this beautiful gift more fully everyday! Thanks for sharing!
I just got back from a road trip with the 3 kids (no hubby - he had to work.) I was completely fine the entire way there, while we visited with family, etc. The night before we were to leave to return home I had such a fearful spirit come over me about traveling with just the kids and I. Thankfully, I too was able to step back and ask God to speak His truth into my heart and mind. Yes, there was some possible logistical risk of traveling without another adult present; but mostly it was the enemy of my soul taunting me. God's Word & peace flooded my heart and mind and we made the trip just fine. Sometimes I believe fear can be a healthy reminder in our lives to keep us in a position of seeking God's face and truth. What satan attempts to use for his purposes; God can use for good in our lives.
By the "word verification" is "liessen" hmmm...
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