Grace Talk With Daveda will be hosting "Blogger Appreciation Week" May 25th -June 1st. I sincerely hope you will join us, its going to be GREAT!
This is how it works; If you are interested in participating with your own blog enter your blog address into the Mr. Linkie widget at the end of this post, at anytime from now through June 1st.
First send an invitation to all who blog! ask them to join us. You can copy this post if you would like and post it on your page, or you can send out special invites to each of your followers and friends by stopping by their blog and leaving them a comment. You can leave all the details or just invite them and send them this way to read this post.
You will title one of your posts from May 25th-June 1st "Blogger Appreciation Week" and in it you will share with the rest of us information about why you blog, why you like to write, how reading the blogs of others has touched your heart, what God has done in your life through blogging, tell us about some of the special people you have meet...etc. Somewhere in this post you may also want to include the titles to one or two of your favorite post so that those visiting your blog for the first time can read them. May 25th is the first official day but I will post mine sooner, as an example and to make sure I have time to work out any bugs as this is my first time hosting a special event!
Then, the next step is to visit the other blogs on the Mr. Linkie, and make sure you LEAVE A COMMENT of encouragement! Tell others how their blogs have touched you and what you liked about their writing, their life...etc. If you read through other postings and have a comment please leave ALL comments under the "Blogger Appreciation Post" just name the other title related to your comment, this way we can all read through, and you will be sure that blogger sees your comment next week. If you like what you read become a follower and make a new friend! We all love new friends!
When I put up my post I will have a special paragraph about "Blogger Appreciation Week" that ties us all together, for you to copy and paste somewhere in your own post for that week.
If you have any questions please leave a comment. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. I hope I haven't forgotten anything, if so someone please tell me! I will get my post up for you all soon.
Mister Linky seems to be having a rough week LOL! He is all set up here and ready to go, but keeps disappearing on us. If you do not see Mister Linky at the end of this post, please check back for his reappearance. Thanks!
Lets Talk Grace!
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
I will do my best to remember to do this. But as you see my blog has become about a once a month thing at best. Not because I don't want to......
Love ya,
Go Daveda!!! Whooo Hooo! Look at you go! You Rock!!! Bringing us together with more unity! It is just great!
I will be checking back!
Do you hear me joining in with Christy? "Woo-Hoo!!!! She made me smile!
Looking forward to this!
Cheri-LOL she made me smile too! Go Christy you ROCK! for making us laugh!
Happy to meet you. Found you through Tracy Wagman's site (Tacklebox for fishing). Looking forward to this event as well as checking out your blog. Always happy to meet other sisters who are in awe with my Lord!! I sure know that I am!
How many do you have signed up so far? wb
Hi Daveda:
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Great idea because it helps bloggers to get to know one another and encourages us to write more. I will follow your blog.
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