Do you believe God?
I mean really believe Him?
Do you believe that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, OR
are you still focusing more on your behavior and ways of living?
Do you believe that you are the righteousness of Christ in Jesus, OR
do you still see yourself as a pitiful sinner trying to do whats right?
Do you believe that when God looks at you He see's you covered in the blood of His Son, that He sees you perfect without spot or blemish, OR
do you believe that God is still waiting for you to clean up your act and get some things right before He can look at YOU this way?
I used to live in such bondage! I thought I believed God, I really did. Yet, I did not see myself through the light of any of the truths I just shared above, I always saw what comes after OR.
I thought that if I did not focus on cleaning up my act, God would certainly become displeased with me, if He wasn't already. I thought that the way to become better, more like Jesus, was to TRY HARDER...but I found after years of frustration and condemnation that this is completely WRONG!
Under the Old Covenant, yes, try harder, follow all of the laws, and then God would be pleased with you. Even then, they could not do it, they could not perfectly follow all of God's commands, or righteous ways of living.
But, under the New Covenant His life flows and lives through us as we begin to BELIEVE Him and what He says is truth about us!
If we focus on changing behavior, we will find ourselves in a vicious cycle of pride when we get it right, or think we got it right and condemnation when we feel that we have failed.
If we focus on Jesus and the truth, grace and freedom He came to give us, we find ourselves walking in those truths as we begin to REALLY believe them.
I forget where it is at this moment, but somewhere God tells us
"As a man thinks in His heart so is he."
So I ask, what do you think in your heart? What do you believe about yourself? Do you believe what Jesus says or do you believe what you think you see?
This truth has and is continually setting me free! The more I believe I am who Jesus says I am, because of what HE has done for me, the more I find myself walking in truth. Not because I am trying harder, I am actually not trying at all...yes, you read that right. I am learning to not try at all, but to trust.
To trust Him to flow in me and through me as I learn to believe Him. To trust that He has given me His Holy Spirit to work in me changing me from glory to glory one moment, one day, one year at a time.
Now, you might be thinking..."Come on Daveda, we can't just stop trying, we have to do things."
Sure we do, but they will naturally flow out us.
See, I have discovered that if we believe God, then we believe we are who God says we are. We are His! We have a new nature. We have been given new life and a new heart. It is only natural that we will be and act upon who we truly are!
Tigers instinctively do what tigers were created to do, they hunt, they sleep, they play, they mate, etc...
As they grow they mature in their ways, just as we do.
The question is...
Do you believe that you have a new nature, a new heart, a new instinct if you will, OR
do you still believe that you are the old person?
I am no way saying that I or anyone else for that matter, has it all right, or is skating on close to perfect.
I get many things wrong ALL THE TIME, everyday. I make mistakes, I yell at my kids, I get mad, I get frustrated with my husband, God reveals places in my heart where I still believe lies, etc...Just like you.
Only now, I do not get into a state of condemnation when I see these habits or unhealthy ways. Now, I do not look to God saying "How can you love me, I am a horrible person. Please, please forgive me and my sinfulness against you. If you will forgive me I will to never do that again. How can you ever use me when I make so many mistakes...ALL THE TIME"
Nope, not any more!
Now,I look to Jesus saying "Lord I know you love me, thank you for forgiving me Lord. I know you can change me and I know you want to. Help me believe what you say is truth. Give me a revelation of your love for me in this area and help me to be in tune with your Spirit as you bring about the changes that will set me free!"
See the difference?
A change of focus...
From what I could never do, to what He has already done and is bringing to maturity and fulfillment more and more everyday.
Birthday wish...
1 day ago