Do you ever find yourself standing in judgment of another believer based on something they do or do not do? Have you ever found yourself thinking "I must be a better christian than that person because I would never do that!" It may be something as simple as what kind of movies we watch, music we listen to, books we read, where we shop, the people we are friends with, what we eat or drink, what we wear, how we entertain ourselves, how often we read our Bible, pray, go to a church service, etc...the list is endless. And, if we are all really honest with ourselves, we have all done it.
The Bible tell us to not judge and criticize.
"Do NOT judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourself."
Matthew 7:1
For years I knew this. I knew the Bible said it, yet I continually made judgments about people based on what I saw on the outside. I formed my opinions about anothers walk with the Lord according to "The Gospel of Daveda." If we agreed on at least the majority of the choices I listed above, among a few others, then in my book you were okay, for the most part. This is how I thought God judged me, therefore this is how I judged others.
I have discovered something wonderful and freeing. The Lord has set me free from this crazy judgmental way of thinking. I can't even begin to tell you how great it is to be able to love people in spite our different opinions or believes. But, as I said knowing that we are not supposed to judge, being told that we are not supposed to judge, does not make our hearts any less judgmental. So how do we get there?
"But now the righteousness of God has been revealed independently and altogether apart from the law, although actually it is attested by the law and prophets. Namely, the righteousness of God which comes by believing with personal trust and confident reliance on Jesus Christ (the Messiah). [And it is meant] for all who believe, there is no distinction." Romans 3:21-22
As we begin to see that we are righteous not because of what we do (the law) but because of Jesus and our trusting, relying, and believing Him, we begin to see others as righteous because of Him as well, apart from the law.
I have discovered that the more I realize that the Father is not condemning me or judging me, the less I feel the need to condemn and judge others. I realize that the love and grace of God, His power moving in our hearts and lives, is what brings true change and I am free to love them, and accept them for who they are.
Just as God loves and accepts me.
Birthday wish...
1 day ago
There is a great reason why God commands us to love Him FIRST, then love others. Because if we don't come to know that Source of love, we are not able to love others unconditionally. Yielding to His power allows us to earn the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
I actually feel more sad when I see Christians choosing who they want to be with, who they want to have Bible studies with, who they want to be with among church members. Forgetting the fact that Jesus accepts ALL. I know it's easier to see others' wrongdoings than my own. But that became my prayer that I may learn to accept others the way He loves and accepts me.
This is a great topic. Blessings to you sister.
Amen Sister.....I have been in the refine mood in God lately. He has been remolding me you might say. It is not very much fun, and sometimes painful.I so needed to here your post today, We all need a reminder of what we should not be doing. Love ya girl
That's an important message. I find it freeing to know that we are all at different places with the Lord.
We have different convictions. If our convictions are in alignment with the Word of God and we see others not walking in that conviction- we can either judge them or pray for them. I beleive that it becomes a matter to pray about rather than judge.
Satan deceives and blinds us from seeing the truth of lots of things. i.e I didn't think anything was wrong with a really cool looking globe that I had. It wasn't until God opened my eyes to see things of astrology and witchcraft symbolism all over it. I had been literally blinded from what was so obvious. I honestly didn't see it at all, though I had looked at it many times.
We truly need God to show us the truth and see things from His perspective and that requires prayer.
I am trying hard to teach my girls not to judge and in turn have had to reflect on my own life. How do I treat others? It is so hard sometimes to remember that Jesus does love everyone and we are commanded to love everyone, too. Thanks for the great post.
What a beautiful post, bravo!!
Truth be told, I often see a HUGE amount of people (including nonbelievers) abuse the "Do Not Judge" scriptures. Homosexuals walk around and say, "God loves all, we're all sinners, so do not judge!"
If we are truly saved and we have Christ within us then it's only natural for us to push away our sinful habits. Not because we feel forced to and we're bound to the Law, but because we love the Lord and we hate sin.
Also, God calls us to edify each other and lift each other up as well. Instead of judging, we're to hold each other accountable.
"Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." -Galatians 6:1-2
"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works." -Hebrews 10:24
"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do." -1 Thessalonians 5:11
Whoops, I did not mean to ramble away. I loved this post and I am looking forward to your next one!
This used to be a huge area of struggle for me, but now I have asked God to see others as He sees them. I attempt to not pass judgment on others and if I fail I lift up prayers to these people and ask for blessings from God for them.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
This is such an awesome post and I was just sharing with my stepmom yesterday that just "ONE" of the many things that I love about this blog land is ....
we don't ask....what church do you go to?
yet as we read each others posts we encourage, we uplift, and I have experienced no judgement. I have gone through just as you expressed myself and came out from being under people who although they said constantly "I don't want to judge it" that is exactly what they were doing.
Gods word tells us clearly as we judge we will be judged .....OUCH.....Thank God for grace and forgiveness huh :)
Bless you my friend and glad you are back and preaching it....
Thank you soooo very much for interceding on my behalf and dads too! and blessings
"As we begin to see that we are righteous not because of what we do (the law) but because of Jesus and our trusting, relying, and believing Him, we begin to see others as righteous because of Him as well, apart from the law." Whoooo Hoooo!
What a revelation! What freedom! We can all unite together and love one another if we all can get this truth!
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